Swimming & Diving (Boys V)

Swimming & Diving (Boys V) Scores

By Justin Uptgraft | Dec 5, 2024 9:13 PM

Bluffton Boys Varsity vs Ft. Wayne Bishop Luers (166 - 20) Win Bluffton Boys Varsity vs Ft. Wayne Blackhawk (166 - 76) Win The Bluffton Boys walked away with double win tonight taking down Bishop Luers and Blackhawk Christian. The team was led with multiple guys in double figures. Isaac Wheeler led the way with a meet high 21. Others in double figures include - Braden Lemler 16, Graham Linderwell 15, Griffin Linderwell Noah Brooks and Ahtan King all with 14, Evan Klopfenstein 13, Lincoln Rodgers 12, Jackson Meyer 11, and Wes Frettinger with 10. The boys won 8 out of the 12 events and swept the top 2 finishes in 7 of those 8. Event winners include - Noah Brooks, Isaac Wheeler, Braden Lemler, Athan King, Evan Klopfenstein, Griffin Linderwell, Wes Frettinger, Lincoln Rodgers, and Jackson Meyer The boys are back in action on Tuesday the 10th for another conference show down against Adams Central.